
Useful Publishing has teamed up with one of the world’s most eminent Sudoko puzzle publishers Magazine Works to bring about a uniquely challenging level of Sudoko for the most experienced puzzle solvers. Unlike many Sudoko puzzle books ours are unique and designed for experienced puzzle solvers

Sudoko Stonkers

Welcome to the Very Hard, no, Extremely Hard, no, not even the Super or Ultra Hard, this goes past the Perverse to the most Mind-Blowing Sudoku Puzzles in the Universe! This is no idle threat, these are not puzzles for the faint-hearted. Each Puzzle is unique and has been chosen specifically to stretch the power of logic!

Sudoko Stonkers Vol 2

Just like Volume one, Stonkers 2 is Very Hard This is no idle threat, these are not puzzles for the faint-hearted. Each Puzzle is unique and has been chosen specifically to stretch the power of logic!

Just as volume one came with a warning so does this edition: These puzzles may cause hair loss from excessive pulling, brain scramble or freeze, Insomnia from constant thinking, until the most experienced Sudoku solvers are rendered to blubbering wrecks. Only the very persistent will solve these puzzles, by employing the very best strategies.

Well, are you up for it?

The Master Series

This series is designed for highly experienced Sudoko puzzle solvers.These puzzles will provide the hardest tests of your power of logic in numbers. Some of them we guarantee will take several hours to solve.

The Master Series Vol 1

The Master Series Vol 2

The Grand Master Series

In order to achieve “Grand Master” of Sudoko status you will need to be prepared to have your powers of logic stretched to breaking point. From the very first puzzle these are the hardest Sudoko puzzles ever published in the world and this no idle claim. In many instances you will feel you have exhausted every possible logical path and be tempted to give in. Only then when you persevere to find that higher power of logic can you claim the title of “Grand Master” of Sudoko

The Grand Master Series Vol 1

The Grand Master Series Vol 2